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SAGE BRUSHINGS: I Paint With Words
Author: Leona Choy


SAGE BRUSHINGS: Painting with Words

Leona introduces this new book with the words, “I hope that when I grow up, I can be a sage!”

She doesn't claim to be a sage in any prideful sense. Nevertheless, at least by virtue of calendar age and life experiences into her nineties, she shares with readers spiritual and practical wisdom that she has offered on her popular blog site: for a decade. Wisdom has been her ever-increasing, energetic pursuit.

The short, pithy topics the author writes about run the gamut of everyday life encounters. Her reflections on them are distinctly from a Christian worldview, often with a dash of humor.

Leona unpacks the meaning of the book's title. It is a play on words and sets the stage for what the reader can expect.

The content of this book is not about the common sagebrush shrub one finds chiefly in semi-arid regions of our country. The characteristics of the plant do, however, provide the author with analogies for the Christian life. The sage plant from which we obtain the seasoning for our Thanksgiving day turkey and stuffing preparation is not the same plant as a sagebrush, but likewise provides her with an analogy.

In the brushing aspect, Leona alludes to how she uniquely presents her material: whereas an artist uses a brush to paint masterpieces, her brush strokes are that she “paints with words.”

Her verbal brush strokes are her choice of precisely the appropriate sensory words, the format of her sentences and paragraphs, her artful perceptions, and the way her prose is almost indistinguishable from her contemporary poetry. She uses poetic devices for both.

Sample her well-seasoned thoughts at random and discover for yourself meaningful wisdom to reflect upon.


$12.95  plus S/H


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