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THE INNER CHAMBER (No longer available)
By Andrew Murray Contemporized by Leona Choy

THE INNER CHAMBER  Contemporized by Leona Choy

Most of the many books written by this noted pastor and missionary statesman of the past century are the result of his own deeper life experiences and his personal prayer life before the Lord. Several generations of readers have profited from the secrets of his close walk with God.

This book is unique. It is a "how to" book Murray wrote about his "open secrets" of establishing an intimate communication with the Lord. He tells us how he does it, and how we may daily, with joy and faith, enter into our own "inner chamber" and meet with God.

Published originally in 1905, the book emphasizes the daily need of retirement and quiet for secret communion with God. The neglect of this holy habit is the "root disease" from which thousands of believers are suffering, says Murray, which explains the feebleness of their Christian lives.

Murray emphasizes the urgent need to daily come apart from other people and be quiet. Without such solitude in the presence of Christ, we are weak to live and walk before the Lord and emaciated in our outreach to the world. We cannot possibly please God when we neglect coming joyfully and regularly into His presence. The quiet time is meant to strengthen our spiritual life and prepare us for daily responsibilities whether sacred or secular. It makes us ready to serve in God's kingdom by interceding for people. Of all times of the day, our secret time with the Lord should be our foundation source of joy and strength.

Murray's intention for this book, he writes, is to give fragments of his own experience and teaching which may help to cultivate the hidden inner life of the Christian and his communion with God.

Most of the chapters were first published in The South African Pioneer. Some of the topics are: The doors shut--alone with God; Lessons from Moses; The power of God's Word; Doing and knowing; God's thoughts and our thoughts; Meditation; Teachableness; The will of God; The inward and the outward; The daily renewal--its power, the pattern, its cost; Holiness, the aim of quiet time; In Christ; The power of intercession; The joy and obligation of the intercessor.

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