Our SHOUT OUT and applause to Rose Trochlil, the latest author whose Memoir has just been published by Golden Morning Publishing this month.
Over 80 is not too late to write one's memoir. There are simply more adventures to remember and share with family and friends. We hope her success will inspire others to leave their legacy in print.
Her book cover is an appetizer. In a day when large families are rare, when some couples choose not to have any children—and worse—when abortion-on-demand is the law of our land, Rose and Dick are “poster parents” for being positively pro-choice.
Far from being a burden, their nine children continue to be a blessing. They are all college grads with families and careers, men and women of character, a credit to their professions and communities. Now the Trochlils delight in the next level of blessings—the grandchildren whom they also welcome in abundance.
In Rose's words, “This is a book of faith. Our parents left us with the greatest legacy they could give—they lived their faith daily. We have tried to follow their footsteps with prayer and trust in God.”
Rose was awarded her “Flying Butterfly”—a symbol of progress from her caterpillar stage of a submitted manuscript through the chrysalis waiting period of editing and production—to her book in hand “hot off the press” ready to fly like a butterfly into the hands of her readers. Email us to get in touch with Rose to order her book.
Leona Choy
GUEST POST. Cathy Dudley
Leona Choy
Shout-out for my graphic artists
Leona Choy
Shout-Out for Alan Orser
Leona Choy
Caterpillar Shout-out to Daniel