Leona, when are you going active with your new website? I'm endangering my health by holding my breath!
A: If you are reading these lines, IT IS LIVE and you can let your breath out now. Welcome to my new location!
Are you abandoning your 10 year posting at leonachoy.blogspot.com? What will happen to your valuable archive posts? I often pass selected ones to friends who could use your encouraging words.
A: I am simply walking my previous blog over a virtual bridge to this new location. I plan to keep posting as usual on THE REST OF THE WAY on my BLOG here. A signpost will appear on the blogspot site to point viewers to this new site. All of my archives will remain accessible.
Can I still connect with you on a personal basis?
A: Sure! Go to CONTACTS on this site. You will find multiple ways to get in touch with me, and I will give you my personal attention.
I'm looking for final editing help for my book manuscript before I send my book proposal to a royalty publisher. Are you available to help me?
A: Look over the topics in my FAQs to see if I've answered your question and let's take it from there.