Q  Are Leona’s books as listed in the BOOKSTORE section of her website still available for purchase?


A  Yes, with the exception of her books published by outside traditional publishers. Those must be purchased directly from the publishers as listed.


Q  Is postage included in the listed price when you order a book?

A  No. Postage is additional @ US$ 3.00 per book. For quantity books to be sent to one address, please correspond with Leona by email at [email protected] to obtain a quote.


Q  Can book orders be sent to Canada or other international locations?

A  No. The postage would be too expensive and involves paperwork at the P.O.


Q  Will Leona sign her books when purchased?

A  Yes, upon request.


Q  May I speak with Leona by phone?

A  Yes. 540-877-1813



Since Leona's parentage is Czech and her late husband's was Chinese, how did they refer to their four sons?

Does Leona's coaching of writers take place at her home in Virginia?

Will Leona answer my writing questions sent to her by email?

Are all 45 of Leona's published books in print now?

Can I also purchase her books through amazon.com?

Is Leona still available to do “ghostwriting”?

Does her publishing company, Golden Morning Publishing, do promotion, marketing or distribution of books which have been assisted through GMP?

Is there a charge for Leona's coaching services for writers?

How about more in-depth help that a writer may ask for?

Would Leona accept a book manuscript for complete editing to the point of being ready to submit it to a publisher or to be ready for self-publishing?

Does Golden Morning Publishing accept a paid arrangement to take a book manuscript all the way from a draft through to the completed process?

What determines the amount of printing costs?

If Golden Morning Publishing assists me with getting my self-published book printed, do I have to order a large quantity of books?

How long does the actual printing process take?

Will Leona help in the full-color design of my book cover?

Will Leona guide me in the self-editing of my manuscript to publishable standard?

Can Leona guide me in the development of my novel?

Into what languages have some of Leona's books been translated?

What web designer put together your cool new website?

Did you raise the price of all of your books? The listed price is higher.